Ketchup and ranch...and 11 empty drink mugs.... that is what a busser at Islands deals with.... on a good day.
Today I Embark on the horrible job that is called bussing tables at Islands. I have been so content these past two weeks. You see, two weeks ago was when started a new system at the restaurant. Host no longer bus tables. We have bussers to do that now. And those poor bussers have to come in at 9:45 in the morning and clean nasty tables all day. I have loved not having to clean tables any more! That is the worst part!
But today…. I am that poor busser…. And I am not happy about it… And there is nothing I can do about it…. Lame. All I can say is my tips better make it worth it!
That being said... everyong should eat there because it's SO good. And I'm not just saying that because I work there. I work there because I can say that (and because I don't drive and it's next to my Apt. :-))
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