Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I have no friends other than Kami

I just got back from Colorado. I was there for a week. Seeing as I was in the woods with no computer, I didn't check anything online the whole time. I got home, and turned on my computer, semi-eagerly. I just knew I would have so much to look at. It had been a whole week. I went to both myspace and facebook and checked them. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. A whole week and not one person: no friends, no family, no coworkers, not even my boyfriend wrote me one word online. Kami is my only friend. I'm a little sad.


Michelle said...

Now that is quite possibly the saddest post I have ever read.

Anonymous said...

Thats really sad that your own boyfriend doesn't even write you.
Love you!
