Thursday, October 30, 2008


These are pictures Jackie and I took last night of LeeRoy in his new Halloween Sweater. He was a very good kitten, not fighting or scratching and posing very well for his pictures, so he got to play fetch and have a nice plate of wet cat food for a treat.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


First I would like to say thanks to Michelle for having such a fun party. All your hard work paid off, the party was awesome. It seems my cookies were a hit(with Camille if no one else) so I have been inspired to make a batch to take to work on Friday.

Sunday after Griffin’s battle drill thingy we are leaving for Holbrook! I’m very excited to be out of here for a while. I am hoping with all I can hope that it is cool enough there I can wear sweaters. I don’t really have anything interesting to say so Ta Ta for now.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Halloween party fever!!!

Tomorrow is Michelle's Halloween party and I have party fever! I can't wait to start baking my sugar cookies. I really hope I don't mess them up.

There is one more fever Griffin and I are buzzing with and that is pet fever. I really REALLY want a new chinchilla!!!

Griffin wants a cockatoo so bad it's funny.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Time to play blog catch up

I have been a complete loser of late. On the recommendation of Michelle I started reading the twilight books Saturday before last, and I finished breaking dawn on Tuesday. My mind became consumed and I have done pretty much nothing but read (and work when I had to) since I started and now I am trying to ether remember how to have a life or figure out a new book to start… I wonder which path would be cheaper.

I am in take out at work now, as well as hosting. This means I will hopefully make more money…I guess will find out on Friday when I get my first pay check with take out shifts on it. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

The day of the office party I took the extra cupcakes I made to work for everyone to eat. They were a hit and my love of baking become known. So two guys at work are paying me to bake stuff for them this weekend and take it to them on Monday. I am making caramel brownies for one and peanut butter cookies for the other. I told griffin about my plan for the caramel brownies and he wants some, so I’m going to make a batch for him too. I can’t wait!

I have officially put off getting ready for work as long as I could for this morning so it is time to go straighten my hair. Some times I think it would be much easier to be a boy. But then I remember I would look like my brother and strike the thought for my mind.