Yes, Yes...the much awaited trip to San Antonio to bring the love of my life home has successfully come to an end. After waking up at four AM, pushing our way through the long line at security, and resisting the urge to stuff our faces with Cinna-bun, Jackie and I boarded the plane, were flown to Texas and deplaned. We then proceeded to get our bags and like big girls find a cab to the hotel. Griffin and his friend Heckel got to come to the hotel that day and they spent the day with us. Mom’s plane arrived late that night and once she got there we all went to sleep. We woke up early and hit up sonic for breakfast and coffee and then headed to post ASAP. We walked around the PX until Griffin and Heckel got there and then we headed toward the dinner. Then next day we woke up even earlier and went to post for graduation. The were inside practicing and we went in to get in line. They had the graduation and after almost two hours of standing around waiting for someone to fix something on Griffin’s papers and about two hours of waiting on a cab, we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast/lunch. We went back to the hotel and Griffin’s friend Houk (who was awesome by the way) and his wife, took mom to the airport. Later that night they shoved me in the trunk of Houk’s renal car(because they were short one seat) and we went done to the Riverwalk. We ate at Chiles and went on the beautiful boat tour and we headed back to the hotel. The next morning I again tucked onto the back of the car and we went to an amazing little diner called Jim’s where me and Jackie satisfied the Cinna-bun craving we had gotten on Monday. Then it was on to the airport (I made Jackie get in the back this time.) and we flew away home. I am SO ECSTATIC that he is home with me!!! YAY!!!
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