The Sat. after my dad’s hearts attack was Erica’s(Griff’s Sister) wedding. Sadly it was at the same time as my sister-in-laws birthday dinner, so I missed the wedding. But I did make it to part or the reception. She looked so beautiful, and everything in the place was perfect! I wish I didn’t miss the wedding! This is Griffin’s amazingly cute and sweet little sister Hailey. She was a flower girl.

This is what Griffin got to wear to Erica’s rehearsal diner… doesn’t he look so good?!?!

During the week my sister-in-law sent this to me with the message “I’m being a good boy at the vet”. Isn’t Tater just the cutest bull dog you’ve ever seen?! I love that pup!

Tuesday was Griffin’s birthday he spent Monday night here so he could spend his birthday with me. I had to work, but after that we had the whole day together. We went to California Pizza Kitchen for dinner… it was SO good. We also decided to make his birthday cake together. I couldn’t find my round cake pans to make a layer cake so we made a Christmas tree cake. It was delicious and beautiful!

I believe it was Sat., Jackie and I were on the computerwhen i glanced over on my desk and saw 8 coins... It was then that i made this little man. He is the best coin man you will ever meet!

Also, I Really REALLY want a new tattoo…. Well more than one to tell the truth. First, I want the left, inside of my lip tattooed with one of these heart peace signs…. Smaller than on the shirt of course.

Second, I want a magnolia tattooed on my shoulder…. My left one I think. I want it to look some thing like one of these. (And if I ever see anyone other than Jackie with this I will kick your big behind for stealing our idea!)